
Gone are the days of the loyal employee who stays at a company until retirement. You knew they were leaving and you had or should have had a backup person. Today, life and businesses are rapidly changing. All companies at every stage need a plan, a succession...

Why so few women run/own businesses.

A recent study by ResumeLab has found that of 800 employees surveyed in the US, close to four in 10 (38%) would prefer to work for a woman boss, followed by 26% who would prefer to work for a man; while 35% had no preference.May 14, 2021 There are numerous studies and...

Negativity rules! How distorted is what you see?

It has been proven over and over that we create our truths based on our perceptions and biases. We look at things and make judgements. From these conclusions we adopt beliefs and then select appropriate strategies. The danger is however, the stronger we hold onto our...