Who is Gen Z for real?

Is Gen Z attached to their phone? Do they lack social skills?  Are they “snowflakes”?  Let’s look at who they are.  The following is a list from Chat GPT, with my comments added. Do you agree with it? Digital Natives: Gen Z, born roughly between the...

Think Future

Do you remember how Amazon started? it was the “earth’s biggest bookstore”. Several chains closed; Barnes and Noble rethought what and how it delivered product. That was 24 years ago. My how Amazon has changed as has the internet.  You don’t need a crystal ball...

Entrepreneur or CEO, Can you be both?

  I have worked with many start ups. A large percentage  of the founders are true entrepreneurs and fit the definition of a person who starts a business and is willing to risk to achieve their dream. They launch the company and are working long hours to achieve...