Siesta, Pisolino We need them

Winston Churchill, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and John F Kennedy knew the power of naps so do the Spanish and Italians as well as many in the Mediterranean; what are we missing? A midday nap can enhance alertness, mood, memory, and reduce...

Why can’t I just relax?

Why do we have to learn how to relax? Shouldn’t that be  natural? Are we so focused on the work  or worse yet what others will think? So often we talk about self care; making sure we are doing it.  Like the oxygen mask going on ourselves first, so too, we need...

Show Me Gratitude

When people thank you or tell you what a great job you did or when vendors tell you how grateful they are for your loyalty do you believe them? why or why not? Sometimes  people thank you but their actions don’t reinforce that What actions can you take all year...