by Harriet Cohen | Oct 19, 2022 | change, Inspiration, Professional development, self actualization
Fear is a manipulation tool; we use it all the time when we market some services and products. What! You don’t have insurance? What about your family? You let your child walk home alone from school? You don’t have a bubble of protection around your children? You...
by Harriet Cohen | Aug 18, 2022 | accountability, change, EQ, Harriet Cohen, Professional development, self actualization, social responsibility
I read this great quote from Peter Shankman. Stop trying to speak butterfly to caterpillar people. Not everyone is ready for your special kind of magic, and that’s OK. One of the hardest lessons to learn is that some people will never be ready for your kind of...
by Harriet Cohen | Dec 14, 2021 | accountability, bias, branding, business tools, change, competition, future planning, Goals, Harriet Cohen, innovation, Inspiration, Leadership, marketing, networking, New work conditions, self actualization
A recent study by ResumeLab has found that of 800 employees surveyed in the US, close to four in 10 (38%) would prefer to work for a woman boss, followed by 26% who would prefer to work for a man; while 35% had no preference.May 14, 2021 There are numerous studies and...
by Harriet Cohen | Sep 21, 2021 | accountability, bias, change, Goals, Harriet Cohen, Professional development, self actualization
Are your beliefs screwing up your opportunities? Are you an Eeyore? “it will never work!” “You can’t do that” ” I doubt it” That may sound a bit exaggerated but what have those beliefs denied you? We all have those niggling...
by Harriet Cohen | Mar 29, 2021 | accountability, bias, change, customers, feedback/evaluations, innovation, marketing, Professional development, recognition, Social Meidia
In a previous blog I talked about knowing your “why”; today I was reminded about story telling . The article is from 2013 and says story telling will be the big thing for the next 5 years. Here we are in 2021 and it’s still big Story telling has been around for...
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