Do your actions and behavior reflect your values?

Part of a good marketing plan describes company values along with branding.  Do you walk your talk? Do your behaviors support your values or are they lip service to the current fads and trends? Why is this important? It affects the bottom line. Think about products...

Negativity rules! How distorted is what you see?

It has been proven over and over that we create our truths based on our perceptions and biases. We look at things and make judgements. From these conclusions we adopt beliefs and then select appropriate strategies. The danger is however, the stronger we hold onto our...

5 Steps and 4 Stages to Better Teams

One of the big changes from the pandemic is the team.  It’s remote and may never be co-located. Now more than ever it’s important to focus on how to be successful I have had the privilege to work with a wide range of teams from the AF Space and Missile...