by Harriet Cohen | Jan 26, 2021 | branding, business tools, customers, Goals, Harriet Cohen, marketing, networking
We use referrals all the time everyday. What restaurant, movie, store, dentist, doctor, would you recommend and why? Yet when it comes to business to business referrals there seems to be a disconnect; or am I the only one who sees this? Many businesses join...
by Harriet Cohen | Nov 5, 2020 | accountability, business tools, change, EQ, feedback/evaluations, Harriet Cohen, Leadership, Professional development, social responsibility
Remember Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland? Who are you and where are you going? How would you answer the question? Alice asks “I was just wondering if you could help me find my way.” His reply: “Well that depends on where you want to get to.” She says it doesn’t...
by Harriet Cohen | Jul 9, 2020 | bias, change, Harriet Cohen, Professional development, social responsibility
It is not a disease. and it can be cured;not with medicine but awareness. it will take a long time to eradicate it if ever, because it took a long time to create and sadly it is part of human nature We see it everyday everywhere. Black lives matter and the protests...
by Harriet Cohen | Jul 9, 2020 | accountability, Harriet Cohen, innovation, Leadership, Professional development, strategic planning
As many of my clients can attest I am big on strategic plans and I also want business plans, not long involved missives that nobody reads, but concise plans that can be effectively used. You may approach the process like a root canal or other necessary evil. It...
by Harriet Cohen | Dec 29, 2019 | accountability, business tools, Harriet Cohen
As I was deciding what to write I reviewed some of my old posts to get some inspiration. Look what I found from 2010! How fortuitous that this is 10 years old. Not much has changed or has it? We keep getting messages and reminders until we take action. 2010 good...
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