As I was deciding what to write I reviewed some of my old posts to get some inspiration.  Look what I found from 2010!  How fortuitous that this is 10 years old.  Not much has changed or has it? We keep getting messages and reminders until we take action.

2010 good riddance or get real?
For many, me included 2010 did not start out as a very good year and proceeded to get worse.  While I’m not sorry to see it end I am grateful for all I learned.

We often stay in a comfort zone until shaken out of it and  our fear sets in. To counteract the feeling of dread or helplessness, it is advantageous to have a contingency plan.  If one revenue stream fades what else is available to pick up the slack?  Have you considered new avenues; products, speaking, networking, collaborations, or seeking advisors?

So often when changes occur that impact revenue in any format we panic first and tend not to see our options.  If you have done your strategic planning and looked at various alternatives, then when opportunities arise you are prepared and ready rather than losing control and perhaps making the situation worse.

For me this past year has been the reminder I needed.  I teach my clients about solid business foundations, creating a SWOT and being ready for whatever comes.  There is a saying that we teach what we need to learn and for me it was remembering to check my foundation.  Have you checked yours lately?

Perhaps one of your goals for 2011 needs to be reviewing your strategic direction and making sure your foundation is solid.  Ask me how I help my clients achieve this goal and turned things around for me, applying the same techniques.  Also ask about the $100 deal.