by Harriet Cohen | Feb 23, 2021 | accountability, bias, change, feedback/evaluations, Harriet Cohen
The reticular activating system is how we put our attention on certain things and not others. Close your eyes and see a color any color, focus on it. Now open your eyes and what is the first color you see? Nobody painted your room, it’s just a change in focus...
by Harriet Cohen | Jan 26, 2021 | accountability, business tools, customers, feedback/evaluations, Goals, Harriet Cohen, Professional development, strategic planning
David Letterman had his top 10 list, Here’s mine. the difference is they are all important to varying degrees depending in what stage the business is in.The list is a reminder to help you start, grow or maintain your business. It’s a compilation of what I teach...
by Harriet Cohen | Jan 26, 2021 | branding, business tools, customers, Goals, Harriet Cohen, marketing, networking
We use referrals all the time everyday. What restaurant, movie, store, dentist, doctor, would you recommend and why? Yet when it comes to business to business referrals there seems to be a disconnect; or am I the only one who sees this? Many businesses join...
by Harriet Cohen | Nov 5, 2020 | business tools, change, Goals, Harriet Cohen, innovation, marketing, strategic planning
2020 is almost over YAY Yahoo! What are you going to do to make 2021 better. Despite everything there have been a lot of good things this year. Dodgers won the world series and the Lakers won the playoff (they are now tied with the Celtics 17 wins). Many of us...
by Harriet Cohen | Sep 1, 2020 | change, EQ, Goals, Harriet Cohen, Professional development
We have all failed at something and for many of us more than once. It’s not the dazzling voice that makes a singer, Or clever stories that make a writer. And it’s not piles of money that make a tycoon.It’s having a dream and wanting to live it so...
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