David Letterman had his top 10 list, Here’s mine. the difference is they are all important to varying degrees depending in what stage the business is in.The list is a reminder to help you start, grow or maintain your business. It’s a compilation of what I teach my clients and can teach you

1. Dream big.

Successful business owners are dreamers, and creators. They wholeheartedly believe they can turn those dreams into reality, They imagine what if? You have to see your business in your mind’s eye.Having complete faith and belief in the vision of what your business can become from the very start is crucial. Think as big as you can the details will come in time; especially with the right advisory, help. I told one of my clients think Jigundish! I have no idea where the word is from but it means bigger than big and is fun to say.

2. Spot opportunities.

Opportunities abound every where.You have to be open to seeing them then acting on them. It could be somebody in a networking group or somebody you meet. Be open and aware.

3. Know how to execute.

You have great ideas. Now what? Execute! It is this ability to that separates successful entrepreneurs from mere dreamers. This is the action step. Move forward step by step to achieve what needs to be done Business execution is about having the employees required to support a company’s strategy and making sure they are doing what the company needs them to do to achieve its strategic goals. … The best way to improve business execution is to increase employee performance levels

4. Take small steps.

Even if their ideas are big, business owners know they aren’t able to achieve everything at once,  So many complain about lack of or never having enough… fill in the blank, money, time. customers. You learn how to  to prioritize and achieve things by taking small steps forward; engage in incremental progress. As Martin Luther King Jr.said you don’t need to see the whole staircase to take that first step

5. Ask for help.

Many of today’s most famous business leaders have mentors, advisors, coaches, or consultants. and most high-growth companies weren’t started by one person alone. That’s because even smart people need a sounding board. They look for people who have experience in their industry and find business partners that complement – not duplicate – their own skills. You don’t want yes people to move forward. This is the key to you will never walk alone to succeed

6. Be flexible.

Like everyone, successful business owners make lots of mistakes. The difference, however, is that they are willing to learn from and accept those mistakes and change course – sometimes quickly. The buzz word of today is pivot and the successful businesses are learning to do that. This means looking for opportunities and spotting trends

7. Be confident.

They don’t let self-doubt or naysayers get in their way. Their persistence pushes them forward and keeps them focused, even when things don’t always work out. In a previous newsletter Mark Cuban and Steve Jobs referred to this.

8. Unafraid to fail.

Fear of failure prevents many people from starting businesses or trying new things. Successful entrepreneurs understand the risks and try to mitigate them, but don’t let risks stop them from pursuing their goals. The risks are calculated and based on experience, not just a whim

9. Build strong teams.

As companies start to grow and hire more people, owners know they can’t take that too lightly. Their employees and managers are the backbone of the business. Successful companies spend a lot of time figuring out what traits and skills— both hard and soft– they want in employees and then determine how they will find those people. The ability to hire well – as well as fire – is crucial. It is also important to onboard well, set expectations and to create a culture that is inclusive and spawns engagement

10. Delegate tasks.

It’s often hard for business owners to let go. They built their companies from the ground up, after all. But the most successful ones know they can’t do everything, especially as their business grows. After they hire the right people, they let them do their jobs so they can focus on what they do best. If you delegate right you never walk alone.