2020 is almost over YAY Yahoo!   What are you going to do to make 2021 better.  Despite everything there have been a lot of good things this year.  Dodgers won the world series and the Lakers won the playoff (they are now tied with the Celtics 17 wins). Many of us found we like working from home and can get lots done. We have found new ways to connect and to sell services and products. Our priorities have changed.  Companies have grown because they shifted. Who would have imagined a store in the mall devoted solely to masks and sanitizers?   No matter what, we are still here and moving forward albeit slower perhaps, but we are still moving. What’s next?

In the next 9 weeks it is time to plan. I remember a blog I wrote at the end of 2010, which for many, me included was a tough year. We often stay in a comfort zone when we our fear sets in until shaken out of it. To counteract the feeling of dread or helplessness, it is advantageous to have a contingency plan.  If one revenue stream fades what else is available to pick up the slack?  Have you considered new avenues; products, speaking, networking, collaborations, or seeking advisors? Personally I am doing more work on I.D.E.A.© It’s my acronym for inclusion, diversity equity/engagement, and authentic/alignment enabling people and organizations to perform better I need to decide how I will market this. By my stating it here, I am showing my commitment and that i need to move forward on it.

So often when changes occur that impact revenue in any format we panic first and tend not to see our options.  If you have done your strategic planning and looked at various alternatives, then when opportunities arise you are prepared and ready rather than losing control and perhaps making the situation worse. “I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they plan their lives. Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change.” –Jim Rohn    You know the old adage; if you fail to plan you plan to fail.

I teach my clients about solid business foundations, creating a SWOT and being ready for whatever comes.  When was the last time you looked at yours or any of the strategic planning you have done? If you haven’t done any, now is the time.

Are you taking the time to ask questions about what has worked  despite the pandemic and all the chaos? If you have ever spent time with a 5 year old or younger they ask all sorts of questions sometimes driving us nuts.  That’s how they learn, create ideas and imagine, as well as solve problems. This  is where innovation often  begins.

Why are we so afraid to ask questions?  Why do we just move forward doing the same thing; never asking what if, or could we?  Imagine what results you might get if you asked how the actions enable people to meet their goals?  Or you could ask the impact of what they are doing on the strategic direction or even the day to day operations.  Step out of your comfort zone ask the questions and see what could happen.  You might gain some new information and who knows where that can take you.

The next 9 weeks will fly by I encourage you to take time to reflect on where you want to go and how you want to get there.  Have a brainstorming session with colleagues or friends. Go outside sit quietly and imagine what you can do.  Look around you and see what is happening what people are discussing and what they want. Where do you fit?  If you need more ideas reread the blog on strategic planning. time is wasting, get going  Let’s make 2021 amazing!