by Harriet Cohen | Mar 14, 2023 | bias, change, recognition
In the late 60s Virginia Slims told women; “you’ve come a long way baby”, and so we have. Women-owned businesses generate a higher revenue than companies led by men. Women leaders can create positive work environments with happier employees. This...
by Harriet Cohen | Mar 14, 2023 | accountability, business tools, change, strategic planning
During Women’s History Month I have been reading lots of articles from CEOs and entrepreneurs. I am going to share some of what I learned with you. The first set of lessons is from Sarah Breedlove. Sarah – better known as Madam C.J. Walker was the first woman ...
by Harriet Cohen | Feb 22, 2022 | accountability, business tools, entrepreneur, future planning, Goals, Harriet Cohen, innovation, Inspiration, Leadership, New work conditions, Professional development, strategic planning
I have worked with many start ups. A large percentage of the founders are true entrepreneurs and fit the definition of a person who starts a business and is willing to risk to achieve their dream. They launch the company and are working long hours to achieve...
by Harriet Cohen | Apr 16, 2020 | change, customers, Harriet Cohen, innovation, marketing, networking, Social Meidia
I was very fortunate for 16 years to be a part of an amazing mastermind group called Consultants West. We met once a month and shared ideas and posed questions .At the end of each meeting i felt like my head was exploding from all the possibilities. Sadly, the group...
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