What are you afraid of?

You have gotten rid of the monsters under the bed, what are you doing about the ones in your head? We all have self doubts Quite a while ago I read a study that said CEOs and others in high levels fear that people will see they are not as smart as they portray...

Does Age Matter?

Emphatically yes when it comes to business! Businesses go through developmental stages just like humans; birth adolescence, adult, and mature. The age of your business determines. how you need to plan to grow your business. At birth companies are like babies you lose...

Do people know what you do?

I bumped into a colleague the other day and as we were talking she asked me if I had another business? When I looked surprised, we realized she wasn’t clear on the name of my company or all the services I offer. Do all of your customers know all you do? Could your...

I Wonder Why

A few recent incidences got me thinking about the choices we make especially in business.  Yesterday I was at a  networking group and met a woman new to the area who was doing business development I invited her to a networking group today at the chamber to meet people...