by Harriet Cohen | Jun 23, 2024 | accountability, Goals
Every business needs a Consultant/Coach (even if they think they don’t) who will keep you accountable and who you trust to have your back? In the jungle of entrepreneurship, where the corporate vines tangle and the competition roars, every business faces a...
by Harriet Cohen | Jun 22, 2024 | business tools, future planning, Goals, Professional development
Yes I am a coach, advisor, consultant, teacher, mentor; why would i ask that question? Coaches/consultants can positively improve your business. all the successful people in every field have them why not you? Smart people know that coaching can take individuals and...
by Harriet Cohen | May 20, 2024 | bias, future planning, Leadership
Is Gen Z attached to their phone? Do they lack social skills? Are they “snowflakes”? Let’s look at who they are. The following is a list from Chat GPT, with my comments added. Do you agree with it? Digital Natives: Gen Z, born roughly between the...
by Harriet Cohen | Jan 16, 2024 | Harriet Cohen
Dr. Sanjay Gupta describes the ultimate goal is to build what’s called cognitive reserve, which is what scientists call “brain resiliency.” With more cognitive reserve, you support cognitive function and can lower your risk of neurodegenerative issues. It’s like...
by Harriet Cohen | Oct 16, 2023 | accountability, Leadership, Professional development
In my management class at UCLA we do mini case studies to help the students better understand issues. One case describes Jerry who was a great worker, team player and helped his group successfully finish projects on time and on budget. His boss wanted to make him...
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