Yes I am a coach, advisor, consultant, teacher, mentor; why would i ask that question?

Coaching has gotten a bad reputation over the years. Smart people know that coaching can take individuals and businesses to new heights, develop new skills and are worth the time money and effort.. Good coaches know that change and development takes time and practice and they also know there are key steps that are important to follow.

Employers are recognizing the value of coaching to improve workers’ leadership and management skills. They note the primary benefits are improved performance and improved job satisfaction. This also has a positive impact on engagement.

Unfortunately, some employers tend to focus on high potential staff and executive coaching as opposed to offering it to anyone who could benefit. Don’t we all benefit and appreciate advice and feedback on how to perform better no matter how menial the task?

Several years ago I was invited to coach an employee who was nearly terminated due to disciplinary issues brought on when his boss and mentor suddenly died. HR suggested termination but the CEO felt there was potential. I worked with him for almost a year developing all aspects of management especially interpersonal. He is now the head of IT and a key person for the CEO.  Coaching saves jobs, improves performance and increases engagement.

Sadly companies who are not willing to use coaching claim it is cost prohibitive,  it takes too much time and leadership doesn’t have a buy in. it doesn’t have to be that way.

Data has shown that  good cost effective coaching whether in house or external can have an immediate positive impact reducing turnover and improving recruitment. That could save a lot of money!

Whether your company hires coaches or develops an internal program, Steve Jobs gave great advice on how everyone can develop staff by providing the tools to let people become their best.

He, himself might not have been the best coach, many said he was brash and difficult to work with; yet  he inspired the brightest talent to follow his vision and create amazing products. He hired the best people and gave them  everything they needed to  help them achieve their goals, including setting the right environment in which to work.

Jobs knew something more than two decades ago that most executives are just beginning to see now. Businesses that invest in their employees to become their best are investing in their own futures. It makes sense to give employees the skills and tools they need to meet customers where they are to solve difficult challenges.

Coaches guide executives and managers to use  these 4 principles

1. Give your people freedom

Empower workers by giving them the tools they need the most to make decisions. Workers need the right data, insights, and technology to make high-quality decisions. Putting this trust and power in the hands of workers is seen as critical to agility and success. It shows workers they are valued.

2. Give them plenty of feedback

According to Gallup research, the second most common mistake that leads to turnover is lack of communication. Managers must step out of their own comfort zones to provide their workers with guidance and direction, give them regular feedback on their performance, and clarify goals and expectations, especially during change.

3. Give them space to perform

Knowledge workers typically know more than bosses do about their own areas of specialization.  Empower them further by allowing them the space to perform. Jobs understood this when he famously declared, “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.”

4. Give them your ears

Building personal relationships with  workers is the best way to make sure they feel heard, respected, and understood. This means the most receptive leaders will listen to their needs, ask what matters most to them, and genuinely figure out a way to develop them in the direction they want to go and provide them with the tools they need in order to perform at their very best.

Whether  managing the smartest people in the room, or everyone else, the universal human need of every worker is to be equipped with the skills and tools to perform meaningful work, be respected and recognized for their contributions, and  make an impact for good in the world. This will ultimately work wonders for your business.

Coaches are the key to facilitate this on every level.

If you have never worked with a coach and are not sure if you will like it, I offer a $100 deal I meet with you for 1 to 11/2 hours discussing your needs and beginning a plan of action.  If you like the process we begin a coaching program, if you don’t you still have the beginnings of a workable plan for you.

If you mention this blog I’ll reduce the fee to $75 .  How can you lose?