Why You?

What do you provide that separates you from the competition?  As we go through our everyday lives we buy from some people and not from others.  We recommend some people and not others. Why? It’s not the money, it’s the value.  Well, sometimes it’s the money.  If two...

Why Are You Here?

Do you have a point? Do you have a purpose?  No, I’m not referring to the larger spiritual purpose but rather reflecting on your business.  Why did you start your business?  Why do you work for the company you are with? Too often we get so consumed by day to day...

What is your why?

Yes, I am finally back to blogging:  I have had so many ideas over the last month.  The one theme that continues to reverberate is what is your “why” For me, this began by seeing Simon Sinek www.startwithwhy.com on a TED conference.  If you haven’t seen him I urge you...