Resolutions Need Action

It’s the beginning of a new year and the resolutions are running rampant; the gyms are crowded and diet foods bought.  Trader Joe’s was mobbed yesterday! What resolutions did you make in your business?  Are you creating task lists and promising you will enter every...

Resolutions Goals is it all BS

All the pundits are jumping on the bandwagon yes do resolutions yes do goals no don’t do resolutions no don’t do goals… ARRGGGGHHHHH Ok, we can stop listening to everyone and do what we always did and oops get what we always got or we can look at what is the purpose...

Reinvent for Growth

As humans, we are often resistant to change. I remember a company I once worked for that started in 1939 and the president of the company said this is the way we have done it and will do it.  You should have seen them when they had to switch to computers in the 80’s...

Rebirth and Reflection

I love the fall, not just the change of seasons, (ok that’s my east coast roots) but the thrill of new beginnings; the clean notebooks waiting for brilliance, the new books to be opened and the new friends to be made.  This is when my mother did the intensive fall...


How do you relax? So many owners tend to spend 24/7 on their businesses; this is how they started and it’s become a habit, a bad habit. I was working with a client recently whose business was taking over his life.  It was having problems, he was overwhelmed.  He had...


Do we ask enough questions and do we ask the right questions?  Whether it’s making a new purchase or working with a client we all need to know the right questions to ask. If you have ever spent time with a 5-year-old or younger they ask all sorts of questions...