Musings from Harriet

A blog for business professionals who want to know more.

Was Peter Pan right?

Does being an adult mean you can’t be childish sometimes? Does adulting mean either giving up fun and play or alwyas being serious?



Featured Publications

Business Book Series

Business 101 – Bankrupt or Billionaire?
Plan Your Success – How to write a Realistic Painless Business Plan in 1 Day
SWOT to Goals: Opportunity is Knocking… Are You Prepared?
Target Marketing: Why Should I Buy From You?
How To Hire the Best for YOU!!! Part 1



Honest to god, woman! Your evaluations were off the chart. You are one of the first people who rated all 5’s plus a couple of 5+ on a scale of 1-5, 5 being best! What on earth went on in that room?
We would like to invite you to be a featured speaker at other Super-Conferences.
Chere Estrin

CEO , Estrin Legal Ed

On behalf of the annual countywide Multicultural Conference and the planning committee Thank you for your valued participation . Without the contribution of your professionalism, talent and diverse skill, the conference could not have achieved and enjoyed such tremendous success.
Alfredo Larious

Conference Chair, County of Los Angeles Dept of Mental Health

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