When we get distracted or postpone tasks for short term pleasure it can have benefits in the long term.  Really! Sometimes giving into distractions can actually be a benefit.

Let’s first do story time.

Once upon a time in a quirky little office nestled amidst the bustling streets of a big city, there worked a man named Sam. Sam was known for his knack for procrastination and his fondness for distractions. His desk was adorned with colorful nick-knacks, and his computer screen often displayed an array of browser tabs open to various entertainment websites.

One sunny morning, the office was abuzz with chatter about a particularly complex problem that had stumped the entire team. They had been trying for days to figure out a creative solution for a tricky marketing campaign. The deadline was looming, and tension was in the air. As everyone huddled in the conference room, brainstorming and scribbling ideas on whiteboards, Sam sat at his desk, seemingly unfazed by the impending deadline. He was engrossed in a hilarious cat video on the internet. His colleagues exchanged knowing glances, thinking, “There goes Sam, procrastinating again.”

But little did they know, Sam’s mind was quietly at work. While watching the cat video, a thought suddenly struck him: “What if we use humor in our marketing campaign?” Cats had a universal appeal, and humor was known to capture attention. Sam jotted down his idea on a sticky note and hurriedly joined the meeting. When it was his turn to share, Sam hesitated but finally blurted out his idea about incorporating humor into the campaign. His colleagues were initially skeptical, but they decided to give it a shot since they were running out of time.

With newfound enthusiasm, the team started brainstorming funny and quirky ideas for the campaign. They created humorous ads, witty social media posts, and even a video featuring a funny cat that would go viral. Sam’s procrastination and distraction had inadvertently led to a breakthrough. As the campaign launched, it became an instant hit. The humor appealed to the target audience, and social media was abuzz with positive reactions. The marketing campaign surpassed all expectations, and the company received widespread recognition and new customers. Sam’s initial distraction had turned into a brilliant solution.

The lesson learned from Sam’s story was that sometimes, taking a step back and allowing yourself to be distracted can lead to fresh ideas and innovative solutions. While it’s important not to rely on procrastination as a strategy, a little diversion every now and then can sometimes be just what you need to tackle a problem with a new perspective. Sam, the office’s procrastinator extraordinaire, had inadvertently shown that sometimes, even distractions can help you do better at work.

How else can diversions help?
  1. Creative Thinking: Procrastination can sometimes lead to creative insights. Allowing your mind to wander or take a break from a task can give you the mental space needed to come up with new ideas and solutions. It’s often during these “procrastination breaks” that innovative thoughts emerge.
  2. Task Prioritization: Procrastination can help you identify tasks that may not be as important as they initially seemed. If you keep putting off a task, it might be a sign that it’s not crucial, allowing you to focus on more pressing matters.
  3. Stress Reduction: In some cases, taking a break or procrastinating can help reduce stress. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stepping away from a task temporarily can provide a sense of relief and relaxation, making it easier to return to the task with a clearer mind.
  4. Improved Decision-Making: Delaying decisions can be beneficial when you need more time to gather information, weigh options, and make a well-informed choice. Rushing into decisions can lead to mistakes, so procrastination in this context can be a form of deliberation.
  5. Energy Conservation: Sometimes, procrastination can be a way for your body and mind to conserve energy. If you’re tired or fatigued, postponing a task until you’re more alert and focused can lead to better results.

Before you chastise yourself and others, for not sticking to the project or homework or whatever task you have remember how yur brain works and it sometimes needs a break to be more innovative and creative.