I really enjoy many facets of marketing especially target marketing and figuring out how to attract customers/clients.  I was attending a networking event where people had 2 minutes to tell about themselves. With very few exceptions none of them told what problem they solve for the user.  Few explained the benefits of using their services or products. Almost all of them used the I word and told about their experience or longevity.

When I buy a product or service I want to know the WIIFM what’s in it for me.  You could be the nicest smartest person in the word even the most generous (ok so I can figure out the WIIFM in the generosity).  I want to know how that affects me.

I tell clients and prospects that without a solid foundation in their business, like a building with a poor foundation, it can implode, fall down, collapse, crumble, disintegrate or end. Creating and maintaining that foundation at every stage is the key to a growing successful business.  Because of the solid foundation, I can talk about businesses that increased sales, revenue, improved performance or reduced turnover. Now you know the results you can achieve with a solid foundation.  It’s about what your customer or client receives.

What do you clients receive if they work with you?  What problems can you solve for them?  How do they feel when they work with you?  Lose the I and let them know how buying your product or service can change them.  Really think about what you do and if you are stuck ask me how you can clearly identify the true benefits of working with you. Just e-mail me harriet@trainingsolutions-hlc.com