by Harriet Cohen | Apr 16, 2019 | business tools, Harriet Cohen
I was reminded last night, as I was doing a guest speaking for WEV on marketing, how important partner agreements are. You are so excited you have the perfect partner who really understands you and shares your goals and values. Even better they are your spouse,...
by Harriet Cohen | Feb 27, 2019 | change, Harriet Cohen
Emphatically yes when it comes to business! Businesses go through developmental stages just like humans; birth adolescence, adult, and mature. The age of your business determines. how you need to plan to grow your business. At birth companies are like babies you lose...
by Harriet Cohen | Nov 15, 2018 | Harriet Cohen
Ok so maybe that’s a little too dramatic a headline. How patient are you? Do you get frustrated when your phone or computer takes several seconds to respond? When was the last time you called someone who didn’t have voicemail? How willing are you to do the work that...
by Harriet Cohen | Nov 6, 2018 | Harriet Cohen
I was reminded of this concept recently when talking to a former client who is having difficulty taking actions to improve business A hierarchy of failure worth following Not all failures are the same. Here are five kinds, from frequency = good all the way to...
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