
Definition: Potential refers to the inherent ability or capacity for growth, development, or future success that something or someone possesses. It’s who they could be and what they could do given the right circumstances


Definition: Opportunity refers to a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. It’s the chance that allows potential to be realized or acted upon.

  • Potential is like the seeds in a garden—they have the ability to grow into beautiful plants.
  • Opportunity is like the rain and sunshine that those seeds need to grow into their full potential.

In all the following  examples, potential represents the inherent abilities and qualities that could lead to success, while opportunity is the chance that allows those abilities to be showcased and developed further.

Example 1: Basketball Player

Potential: Jamal is a high school student who is very tall, quick, and has a natural talent for shooting hoops. He practices every day and dreams of playing in the NBA. Jamal has the potential to become a professional basketball player because of his physical abilities and dedication.

Opportunity: One day, a scout from a top college basketball team attends one of Jamal’s games. The scout is impressed by Jamal’s performance and offers him a scholarship to play college basketball. This scholarship is an opportunity for Jamal to further develop his skills and get noticed by NBA teams.

Example 2: Inventor

Potential: Lena is an inventive kid who loves to tinker with gadgets and build new things. She has a creative mind and can see unique solutions to everyday problems. Lena has the potential to become a great inventor because of her creativity and technical skills.

Opportunity: Lena hears about a national science fair where young inventors can showcase their projects. She decides to enter the competition with her latest invention—a robot that can clean rooms. The science fair is an opportunity for Lena to present her invention to a broader audience, win prizes, and attract interest from investors.

Example 3: Musician

Potential: Ava is a talented singer with a beautiful voice and a passion for music. She writes her own songs and dreams of becoming a famous musician. Ava has the potential to be a successful singer because of her vocal skills and songwriting talent.

Opportunity: A local radio station announces a contest for unsigned artists to get their song played on the air. Ava submits one of her songs, and it gets chosen as a winner. This radio contest is an opportunity for Ava to gain exposure and build a fan base.

Example 4: Writer

Potential: Sam loves writing stories and has a vivid imagination. He spends hours crafting intricate plots and developing unique characters. Sam has the potential to become a bestselling author because of his storytelling ability and passion for writing.

Opportunity: A well-known publishing house opens a competition for new writers to submit their manuscripts. The winning manuscript will be published and promoted by the publisher. Sam decides to enter the competition with his latest novel. This competition is an opportunity for Sam to get his work published and reach a wide audience.

Example 5: Gamer

Potential: Max is a skilled video gamer who excels at strategy games. He has a deep understanding of game mechanics and often wins online tournaments. Max has the potential to become a professional eSports player because of his gaming skills and strategic thinking.

Opportunity: A major eSports league is holding tryouts for new team members. Max decides to try out for the league and makes it onto a team. These tryouts are an opportunity for Max to enter the professional eSports scene and compete at a higher level.

These examples are interesting but how does it apply to the workplace?

Albert Einstein said In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. This is where you need to know your team and your staff. What is their expertise and how can you provide the opportunity for them to grow and help the company ? Creating career paths provides opportunity for development as do mentoring programs.

Waiting until there is a problem is not the best solution, instead strategically develop your staff and know your bench strength. Learn about the people in your organization. Create ways to better understand not only their needs but their dreams and their expertise beyond the confines of the work place. We all have dreams of doing or being someone unique or talented. Potential isn’t limited to the starring role. We all have the potential to help improve the performance and culture of the organization given the opportunity to do so.