You launched your business and it’s going ok; a little slow but ok. Or you have been in business for a while and your staff performance is not as it should be, or you don’t have the revenues you want , or your marketing is a waste of money, and you don’t know how to fix it.
Do you just keep putting one foot in front of the other and hope for the best or do you get help? Hopefully you get help.
None of us is omnipotent no matter what you tell your kids. We all need guidance and advice at every stage from birth to death and businesses are the same. No matter what stage your business is in everyone needs to get advice from an expert who knows business has been there and can help guide us through the landmines.
You need a business consultant/ coach /advisor!
What is a Business Coach/consultant/advisor?
A coach is someone who will help you hone the skills you have, help you identify the skills you need to grow, and give you perspective on ideas you bring to the table. A coach is someone who will help you understand your next business moves, help you sort out team opportunities, and most definitely help you uncover personal barriers that may be restricting your growth.
What Makes A Good Coach?
A good Business Coach has training in business and ideally has run a business. Experience is key when it comes to being able to put your faith in an Advisor; they have to earn your trust. .They should drill down and ask all sorts of questions including and especially financial as well as what issues you are having.Coaches keep you accountable while achieving your goals. This is about you, the client. Coaches have tools to help you and are determined advocates of goal setting and performance.improvement. They will be your biggest cheerleader and able to give constructive feedback. You should leave your meeting with a coach ensuring you have tactical action steps and clear intentions and deliverables prior to your next conversation.
How do consultants work with clients?
I can’t speak for all consultants, most good consultants ask a lot of questions. They want to know everything you have done and want to do; what has worked and what hasn’t.Remember, this is not about judging but rather learning your needs to develop an effective plan. What is your mission/vision/ values/ Why did you go into this business? What are your fears? Once the key questions are asked you develop a plan together defining where you want to be in 6-9 months. This is NOT a one time deal, although I do have a one time offer I’ll explain later. Changing habits and growing a business takes time practice and planning. I love the line if you fail to plan you plan to fail. This is an on-going process as the business evolves new issues may arise. The consultant/client relationship has to be fluid to meet the ever changing scope. I have worked with some clients for several years others are project by project. It all depends on the need and the desired outcome.
How does the process work and what does it cost?
This is a big question and the answer has to fit the financial growth of each client. Ideally, when we decide to work together we define how often we will meet face to face and that impacts the pricing; the more often we meet the higher the price. Most often it is a monthly retainer that defines how often we meet and gives access to me via e-mail or phone to answer questions. Sometimes it is project based, meaning we work together to complete a set task such as a strategic plan or management development, or hiring staff, or dealing with change and so much more. Each project is a fixed price.
No I am not quoting prices here as it all depends on the needs of the client.
Before beginning the process you need to think about a few things.
1.What do I want to from of a consultant? Am I looking for general guidance or do I need a specific level of expertise?
2. Do i know my personal and business goals and values and do they align?
3. Here’s the biggie; am I willing to be open and honest and be accountable to do the work?
4. What can I/the business afford? Something to think about here is what will happen if you don’t get help and what will happen if you do?
Still unsure?
Working with a consultant or coach for the first time can be daunting. This is why I offer what i call the $100 deal We meet for 1-11/2 hours talking about your needs and I give you action steps you can take. At the end you can decide you want to continue working together or you want to wait. either way all you have invested is $100 and you have information and tools to move forward. If this interests you go to the website and contact me and we can set up an appointment. It’s just that easy. We would meet at your business, a local place, or if you are out of the area, on zoom
Maya Angelou said when we know better we do better; a consultant helps you know better.
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